CustomBot v3.12: Logging, Reminders, Rock-Paper-Scissors & more

Today, we're releasing a new version of the SCNX CustomBot, the highyle customizable Discord-Bot availible for free on SCNX. The CustomBot recives regular updates increasing functionality, based on user-feedback.

These features were already availible to users with Early Access, but are now availible for everyone.


With Logging, you can use your CustomBot to document changes to your discord server in a channel of your choice. This supports a magnitude of events, such as Channel-, Role-, Member-, Server-, Voice- and Message-Changes.

Screenshot of a logged message edit
Screenshot of a logged channel overwrite
Available configuration options for the Advanced Logging Module


With the new Reminders-Module for the SCNX CustomBot, you can easily let your users set reminders for themselves. Just execute /remind-me to get reminded in a specified timeframe about anything.


As part of our Mini-Game libary, the Open-Source-Developer Tomatocake has contributed the new Rock-Paper-Scissors availible on SCNX. It allows your users to battle each other (or the computer) in a high-entertaining game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. This allows them to settle disputes easily or just to have some fun.

The Rock-Paper-Scissors-Module in action

Based on user feedback, we've added support for emojis in Link-Buttons - available now in the easy-to-use SCNX-Dashboard.

Link-Buttons with Emojis in Discord
Link-Buttons with Emojis in the SCNX Dashboard 

More features

Please read our full changelog in the #scnx-changelog-Channel on our Discord, to get a more detailed changelog containg all new featurres.