SCNX Life-Time-Plans are here: Pay once - use for ever

Lifetime-Plans are only availible for a limited time as they are designed to support the growth of SCNX. 

In the last few months we've revived multiple requests to sell lifetime-plans - now (after careful financial calculations) we are introducing: SCNX Lifetime-Plans.

Buy once - use forever

Screenshot of the SCNX Dashboard showing the Lifetime-Plan-Purchase-Menu. Please note that this pricing is based on data from 2/3/2023.

In contrast to normal plans, this plan is not limited to a month. You can keep using it for ever (at least as long as SCNX is a thing). Offering the functionality of a monthly subscriptions, lifetime-plans are not limited in any way.

Do I get credit for existing subscriptions?

If your server has more than two months of any purchased plan left, please message our Billig-Team to get it refunded or credited.

Transfer at any time

Got a new server? Just transfer your life-time plan at anytime (excluding a 7-day cooldown-period).
Simply visit your Life-Time-Plans-Panel and select the new server. Read more about this process in our (German) Help-Desk-Article.

Screenshot of the Lifetime-Plan-Transfer-Dialoge

Frequently asked questions

We've answered all possible questions in detail in our (German) FAQ-Article about Lifetime-Plans.