CustomBot v3.12: Logging, Reminders, Rock-Paper-Scissors & more
Today, we're releasing a new version of the SCNX CustomBot, the highyle customizable Discord-Bot availible for free on SCNX. The CustomBot recives regular updates increasing functionality, based on user-feedback.
With Logging, you can use your CustomBot to document changes to your discord server in a channel of your choice. This supports a magnitude of events, such as Channel-, Role-, Member-, Server-, Voice- and Message-Changes.

With the new Reminders-Module for the SCNX CustomBot, you can easily let your users set reminders for themselves. Just execute /remind-me to get reminded in a specified timeframe about anything.
As part of our Mini-Game libary, the Open-Source-Developer Tomatocake has contributed the new Rock-Paper-Scissors availible on SCNX. It allows your users to battle each other (or the computer) in a high-entertaining game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. This allows them to settle disputes easily or just to have some fun.
Emojis in Link-Buttons
Based on user feedback, we've added support for emojis in Link-Buttons - available now in the easy-to-use SCNX-Dashboard.

More features
Please read our full changelog in the #scnx-changelog-Channel on our Discord, to get a more detailed changelog containg all new featurres.
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