CustomBot v3.13: AI, Dynamic images & more
Today, we're happy to announce one of the biggest updates to the SCNX CustomBot. This update includes new features, like Dynamic Images, for multiple modules, but also adds new modules like AI Chats, AI Image Generation, UNO and Connect-Four.
New module: AI Chat - ChatGPT directly in your Discord
Designate a channel on your channel as an AI Channel where your bot interacts with your users based on Chat-GPT. This module uses the AI Credits of your servers, learn more.

New module: /image - Let users generate beautiful AI images from a simple sentence
With this new /image-Module, you can allow your users to generate new AI images - the only limit is their imagination. This module uses the AI Credits of your servers, learn more.

New feature: Dynamic images
Generate dynamic thumbnails and images on events and commands - supported in multiple modules, Custom-Commands and more.

New module: Connect Four
Thanks to an Open-Source-Contribution by TomatoCake, you can now let users on your Discord play Connect-Four.

New module: UNO
Thanks to an Open-Source-Contribution by TomatoCake, you can now let users on your Discord play a classic game of UNO.

Other changes
- More parameters available for the Levels & Birthday module
- Improved stability of the RSS-Module
- Custom-Commands: Support for random actionblock execution
- And more - read the full changelog in #scnx-changelog in our Discord
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